Rent equipment to explore Rokua Geopark

Do you need to hire equipment for your explorations in Rokua Geopark? You can rent equipment such as mountain bikes, skis, snowshoes, fishing gear and canoes for both land and water all year round from companies in our area. Choose your equipment and start exploring!

Equipment hire in Rokua Geopark

Geo-x-on Outdoor Equipment Rental

At Geo-x-on you can rent different kinds of outdoor equipment around the year! Our main headquarters is at Active Camping…

Active camping Montta


Geo-x-on välinevuokraus

Skinbased Ski Rental in Rokua Geopark area

Rent skinbased skis in Rokua Geopark area: Muhos, Utajärvi & Vaala. Enjoy the agility of skis and the carrying capacity…

Active camping Montta


Liukulumikenkien vuokraus Rokua Geoparkin alueella

Paddling in Rokua Geopark

Enjoy the wonderful scenery of Rokua Geopark by the water in Oulujoki and Oulujärvi. When paddling, you get to enjoy…

Active camping Montta


Melontaa Rokua Geoparkissa

E-fatbiking and fatbiking in Rokua Geopark area

Bike with electric fatbikes or normal fatbikes in Rokua Geopark area. Varied well-marked biking routes in Rokua National Park are…

Active camping Montta


Läskipyöräilyä sähköfateillä tai tavallisilla fatbikeilla