The Mark

The Mark is an environmental work of art situated on the Lemmenpolku Nature Trail in Leppiniemi.

The Story

The inspiration for Jälki, “The Mark”, came from stories about giants in the Pyhäkoski and Montta regions. According to a legend, giants inhabited these shores until a man called Montta successfully rafted down the rapids, the age of man dawned and the giants retreated into the earth.

The design and placement of the work is intended to emphasise accessibility, ecology and the rugged beauty that characterises the Lemmenpolku trail. An unusual conglomerate deposit along the trail also inspired the choice of materials. The work pays homage to the legacy of the giants, while at the same time revealing geological forms and elements such as smoothly cut stones and burned wood that equally reflect the natural and cultural history of the area.

The work has been produced ecologically sustainably, using natural mound of land topped with stones, and fired treated larch.
Humans are the only living beings who can choose what kind of mark they leave behind.

The Artists

The work was designed and created by artists Johanna Riepula and Tero Mäkelä. They both work independently and together in environmental art, crafts, visual art, education and guidance.

The Builders

The Mark was created in open workshops in May 2024. Montta Active Camping, the Leppiniemen kyläyhdistys association, the Muhoksen kotiseutuyhdistys association, and the municipality of Muhos helped organise the workshop.

The Journey of Discovery in Art

The seven works of art in the Journey of Discovery in Art project highlight the natural and cultural heritage of the landscapes in the Rokua Geopark area, recognised as being of national importance, through environmental art. The works are inspired by three main themes: geological heritage, tar, and legends. The works have been funded by the Council of Oulu Region (AKKE funding) and the founders of Rokua Geopark (the municipalities of Muhos, Utajärvi, and Vaala, the Rokuan Terveys- ja Kuntouttamissäätiö foundation, and Metsähallitus) and commissioned by Humanpolis.