A hiker's dream destination

Rokua Geopark offers unique nature experiences and many activities and events all year round! The Rokua Geopark, comprising the Oulujoki River Valley, Rokua and Lake Oulujärvi, is a fascinating whole where the interaction between inanimate and animate nature and human activity forms a valuable story that has continued over the millennia.

Our many natural and cultural sites offer a unique nature experience for hikers of all levels. Examples of Rokua Geopark gems include Rokua National Park, Liimanninkoski Rapids, Lemmenpolku Love Trail, Lamminaho Farm and Lake Oulu Recreation Area.

The diverse nature of Rokua Geopark can be enjoyed all year round!

Read more about activities in Rokua Geopark

Finland’s first Global Geopark site

Rokua Geopark is the first tourist area in Finland to be awarded UNESCO Global Geopark status. UNESCO is a United Nations organisation that only designates places with unique geological heritage as Global Geoparks. Global Geoparks also promote sustainable development, research, learning and the continuity of cultural heritage through partnerships with local businesses and operators. In addition to the UNESCO Global Geopark Programme, Rokua Geopark is a member of the European and World Geopark Networks. Find out more about the European Geoparks Network and read about the World Geoparks Network.

Each UNESCO Global Geopark has its own theme. The theme of Rokua Geopark is the Ice Age. The legacy of the Ice Age is linked to the unique history of the development of the bedrock in the Rokua Geopark area. Geology has also influenced the development of wildlife and settlement in the area in many ways. The Rokua Geopark, together with the Icelandic and Norwegian Geoparks, is one of the northernmost of the more than 160 UNESCO Global Geoparks in the world.

Read more about UNESCO Global Geoparks

Three areas of special scenic interest

Rokua Geopark consists of three areas with significant scenic attractions: The Oulu River Valley, Lake Oulu and the Rokua ridge and dunes, which form a continuous area of more than 1300 km2. The area begins at Muhos, about 20 km from Oulu, and continues from there to Lake Oulu, about 90 km away.

The legacy of the Ice Age and the historical development of the area can be seen in the natural features of Rokua Geopark, such as high dunes, deep bogs, vast marshes, beautiful sandy beaches and white lichen-covered forests.

Discover the origins of the region

Geofood is the local food of the Geopark area

The geological history of the Rokua Geopark area has shaped the soil and climate of the area and influenced local food production. The area produces unique local food products called GEOfood, which are closely linked to the area’s geological heritage. The environment and tourism are seamlessly linked in Geofood products.

GEOfood products are produced by local companies in the geopark area, using local ingredients and following strict GEOfood criteria. In addition to Rokua Geopark, there are currently GEOfood producers in Katla Geopark in Iceland, Magma Geopark in Norway and Odsherred Geopark in Denmark. There are also GEOfood restaurants in the Rokua Geopark area that serve GEOfood-certified menus. You can recognise GEOfood products and restaurants by the GEOfood logo.