
Humanpolis is the development company of the municipalities of Muhos, Utajärvi and Vaala. Its purpose is to maintain and develop the high quality operations of the Rokua UNESCO Global Geopark. Humanpolis also contributes to the vitality of the Oulu River Valley and the attractiveness of the region for residents, businesses and tourists.

The Humanpolis values are openness, reliability, accountability and the willingness and ability to innovate. Contact us if you are planning to become an entrepreneur, settle in one of the municipalities of the Oulu River Valley or develop your business here. We and our partners offer a personal, confidential and flexible service.

Contact information

Humanpolis Oy
Valtatie 17, 91500 Muhos, Finland
Business ID: 2389484-4

Privacy policy

Mikko Kiuttu

Acting CEO, Humanpolis Oy | Environmental Educator, Rokua Geopark
+358 40 172 7513

Katariina Van Boxtel

Project Manager, Humanpolis Oy / Tourism coordinator, Rokua UNESCO Global Geopark
+358 40 1526520

Päivi Forsman

Event and network coordinator, Humanpolis Oy
+358 40 702 5018

Local entrepreneur societies

Muhoksen Yrittäjät ry (Muhos)
Mika Mattila
RPJM Oy, T:mi Hoitava Pisara
tel. +358 40 7451 211

Utajärven Yrittäjät ry (Utajärvi)
Sulo Karhula
Muhoksen Elintarvikekuljetus Oy
tel. +358 40 0890 250

Vaalan Yrittäjät ry (Vaala)
Anne Kalaoja
Vaalan Torimarket Oy
tel. +358 40 738 8651