GEOfood restaurant of Manamansalon Portti

AO-Markkinointi Oy

Manamansalontie 3187
88340, Manamansalo

In Manamansalon Portti restaurant, you can feast on local food products.
Our restaurant has GEOfood status. GEOfood products are made in local companies in the Geopark area, from local raw materials. You can recognize GEOfood products and restaurants by the GEOfood brand. In the restaurant, we use fish from Lake Oulujärvi, domestic chicken and beef from the Viskaalin farm.

We are open daily in the summer season and on weekends in the fall and spring time.

Manamansalon Portti also has accommodation services, a marina and a small shop. There are hiking opportunities nearby, such as the Deer Trail and the Oulujärvi Hiking Area, as well as Rokua Geopark sites, e.g. the Manamansalo memorial church and Kilonniemi’s gneiss cliffs.
