Christmas parties at Rokua

Rokua Health & Spa Hotel

Kuntoraitti 2
91670, Rokua

Have a festive and memorable Christmas party 2024 at Rokua – surrounded by unique nature and close to the services provided by a spa hotel.

A memorable Christmas party is enabled by spa hotel services: get refreshed in a bubble bath and an authentic Finnish sauna. Get ready with beauty treatments at the Day Spa, or put the finishing touches on your evening with proper pampering. Enjoy the evening, eat at the lavish Christmas buffet, have fun, and laugh in the best company! When the night is over, get a good night’s sleep in hotel bed sheets.

Rokua Health & Spa provides an unforgettable setting for your festive party!

Christmas parties and performers
La 16.11. Some Like It Hot!
Pe 22.11. Isto Hiltunen & Uusi Iloinen Orkesteri
La 23.11. Anneli Mattila & Recados
Pe 29.11. Leif Lindeman
La 30.11. Tangokuningas 2024 Harri Hautaniemi
La 7.12. Susanna Heikki & Voimaorkesteri
